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Cant help yourself hey just gotta feed that little troll addiction ey bue
Hey @mick01 your profile says that you are 55.. Why the hell don't you act it?
Instead of behaving like a Weapons Grade Thundercunt?
look at yourself look at your post and your calling me a troll? another tard dosent even know what bue means omg !TARD alert
Please go tell your mummy or daddy you drifted onto the wrong part of the internet and im sure they will put parental control back on your tablet for you
omg how retarded are you seriously ?

Mick, c’mon now, you’re getting boring. You’re losing your audience. Is that how you go through your life, calling anyone who dares to disagree with you - or somebody that just finds you an angry, impotent little man - a retard? Do you find people punch you often?

No, I don’t know what ‘bue’ means, I’m interested to know? And ‘ey’ too? The online urban dictionary tells me it’s slang for ‘boys you envy’?! Sounds like bollocks to me. Is it some sort of faux-gangsta language? I’m fascinated, please do tell :5:
Right peeps that’s enough please

Knock it on the head for tonight or the thread gets closed
Trolling or no trolling
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