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Elliptical coils anyone???


Jul 10, 2014
I was wondering if anyone tried elliptical coils in their RBAs?

To explain what I mean an elliptical coil will look something like this -

Why will you want to build a coil like this?
Well the answer is to maximize surface area, there are only a limited number of wraps you can fit in due to width of an atomizer, hight is generally not an issue, so effectively with an elliptical coil you could have around 50% more surface area.

I haven't tried, but if someone has (or are willing to try) I'd like to hear your experiences.
Not sure I understand. An ellipse has the same surface area, surely?

In theory there is more room to increase the height of a coil but not its width - stretch a circular coil upwards to form the ellipse.
In theory there is more room to increase the height of a coil but not its width - stretch a circular coil upwards to form the ellipse.

Same surface area though. I guess if it was oriented perpendicular to the airflow there'd be less resistance or drag but still it would have the same surface area.
Same surface area though. I guess if it was oriented perpendicular to the airflow there'd be less resistance or drag but still it would have the same surface area.

Imagine the ellipse as a large circular coil that won't fit = more surface area than a normal coil that does fit.
Not sure I understand. An ellipse has the same surface area, surely?
What I mean is on what would you wrap such a coil? We use drill bits for circular forming for example, what would you use to form this shape?
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