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Elliptical coils anyone???

you'd get some wick in that alright, might have a go at one on something, maybe wrap round a drip tip and squash it or tape two of those blue screwdrivers together then wrap round them
I possess just 1 RDA that hasn't melted the coils into the delrin around its driptip(as it hasn't got any)when all I was trying to do was mount the coils slightly higher to gain from their airflow slots.I will gladly pass-on the information that melted plastic tastes REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking horrible,even if the juice is the bestest ever premium exotic mixture in the entire planet,plastic will make it taste worse than the 1 gallon per penny from the Black Marketeer selling it at the car boot sales.

If the ellipse was set vertically,then there might be enough space under the cap as with most 3 post attys having a D shape either side there would be space to create a non-circular coil.

weird coil.jpg

I'm still trying to figure out how the fuck this was created,what did they do for its former?
With a lot of patience lol wonder how it vapes...

I have an atty which has a similar base to this 1's,and it is great at producing clouds as long as you don't mind wasting lots of juice as it pisses out the air holes due to having a mirror flat base to the drip well,zero lip between the base & the air slots.
What might you use as a former?


I can't see this being worthwhile, though. Getting the legs of the coil into the right position would be pretty vexing. The wire would have to be pretty heavy, or the ellipse would deform if you looked at it funny.

Increase in surface area is more easily achieved with twisted wire.
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