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Enforcement Notice: Prohibition of electronic cigarette


Apr 4, 2015
Thanks to @vapepotions for the link

After 28 March 2024, we will be deploying the ASA’s AI-based Active Ad Monitoring system
to actively scan for social media accounts that breach this Enforcement Notice. This may
result in sanctions, including the removal of content and social media accounts.

Will try and attach pdf here

Are forums classed as social media?
unlike the shite faceache,x,insta,youtube etc


  • Enforcement-Notice-Electronic-Cigarettes-on-Social-Media-FINAL-001.pdf
    213.2 KB · Views: 0
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Are forums classed as social media?
Whilst forums can be as toxic as your Twitters and FB, I would say no, google says probably/ maybe :hmm: Before the likes of FB forums existed as forums, there were little or no comparisons to be made.
It says in the pdf that they can't be advertised where users haven't sought it out. This is a vaping forum. People come here specifically for vaping, so this forum would be exempt even if was was classed as SM, as I read it.
I smiled at 'it also means that regular, non-paid-for posts and content in social media, which might get shared by an algorithm to users, are prohibited too'. So it appears they don't even have to prove it was shared just that it might be, lol.
It says in the pdf that they can't be advertised where users haven't sought it out. This is a vaping forum. People come here specifically for vaping, so this forum would be exempt even if was was classed as SM, as I read it.

not sure, this doesn’t look too good.

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