I'll get us started with a bit of an inquiry to the masses..
Now I'm relatively new to vaping but I love the DIY mixing side of it, aside from the financial benefits of it, I find it quite fun getting the old breaking bad lab out on the dining room table.
Now one problem I've encountered is the whole shaking the bottles side of things, as I'm only mixing for myself I tend to make a lot of small batches of either 10ml or 30ml bottles of all different flavours as I like to change it up quite often through the week. The problem I've encountered is that when I've done a batch of around say 20 bottles, by the time I've come to the end of shaking them all up, and then shaking them throughout the steeping process, my shoulder is killing me!
Now in the real world I'm an engineer and I have recently made myself a small device to shake the bottles in a linear motion, and it has been quite successful, the aeration I get from the device far surpasses what I could do myself.
I've seen a lot of DIY devices on the net, but no proper devices you could buy to shake bottles vigorously enough to achieve good aeration.
My question is, as there is this gap in the market for a device like this for the DIY mixers out there, would any one be interested in purchasing a device like this if it was available? and if so, how much would you be willing to pay for it?
I have it within my means to make up my device properly, and I'm curious as to whether it would be worth marketing as a little side project. It has only arisen as a friend of mine made the comment: 'that is f*****g brilliant, you should make a proper one and sell it, loads of people would buy that!'