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Even the Church is against us now????

Thats possibly the funniest read i have had for a long time. in fact I feel compelled to write again to the BBC and demand they send over the troops from Top Gear again, but as well as having their Vehicles covered in gay sex slogans this time have Richard "the Hamster" Hammond Vaping on a huge mod of some sort. This will enable LBC to write more about the evils of "Vaping against God" and offer more questions of how "The Hamster" got his name and where he keeps said same Hamsters (in his rectum apparently) .. :):):):):)
WOW! Crazier than shithouse rats! Mind you, according to God's Little Helpers, there's a good chance that I may now be both a cult member and gay (that'll stop people asking me if I'm married!). And there was me thinking today was a boring day! Bring it on! :D

I reckon Deborah Arnott and Jeremy Mean wrote all of that, bless them! :D
Religion is the root of all evil, trust me, I have seen more than enough evidence of that for my own lifetime. The only difference between me and those nutjobs is, I am of the belief, live and let live, if you want to follow some fictitious man in the sky, then fine you are not hurting me. Kind of ironic really as that makes me more compassionate than most of these sheep...err, I mean followers of Jeebus, and I am sure somewhere the words turn the other cheek mentioned in that big book!
Haha. Just as funny as all church stories ! I like a bit of fiction but they do go a bit too far for me.
I LOVE Baptists! Quite looking forward to being "a gay", I might get laid once in a while :flames:
I have read that in disbelief, is it satirical or for real?
Please tell me that forum is actually some far reaching joke made by some serious clever witted individuals and isn't actually real?
No offence to Americans, but that is freaky and may well be true, however much i hope it is some big (un)funny joke.
I'm probably 70% sure that this is satire, but it really is hard to tell. There's a few cues there, notably the disclaimer at the bottom of the page, and some of the biblical quotes: "open your mouth and I will fill it" etc.
It's truly amazing how often satire gets mistaken for truth these days!

Fcuk it! I'm usually good at picking up the satirical, this one fooled me! Must be because I watched a thing on nutty baptists, and this fitted the bill very nicely!

So what you are saying is I am neither gay or a cult member? Bollocks! Boring Thursday is back with a vengeance! :D
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