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Evening all :)


Nov 18, 2013
Been lurking here for a month or two so thought it was about time I signed up and said Hiya :D

I originally got into vaping due to lack of funds to buy ciggies as the lab where I work was closed for a month, so no work, no cash and needed to feed my nicotine habbit and vaping seemed a cheap alternative. I started like most on an ego battery with a CE4 but soon upgraded to an evod, then learned re-coiling and have now started to mix my own juices. It's been 6 months and I still haven't gone back to the fags, just love vaping, and can't ever see myself going back to them.

I really want to get into dripping as a few guys at work use them, but I've not as yet found a RDA that suits me ..... the quest continues!

Welcome to the planet. What drippers have you looked at?
Croeso i'r Blaned.

Pa ran o Gymru?

And just in case you don't speak Welsh...

Welcome to the Planet

What part of Wales?
Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! I bet the Rabbits were made up the Lab was Shut!!!!:welcome1:
What drippers have you looked at?
I've had a go with the IGO-S, IGO-L and a Phoenix (not sure if it was a clone or not). I didn't get on with the phoenix due to the position of the air hole, because it had a screw thread you couldn't move it to a better position. I liked the IGOs but would like something with adjustable air flow as I seem to like different air flow depending on the viscosity of the e-juice.

Croeso i'r Blaned.

Pa ran o Gymru?

And just in case you don't speak Welsh...

Welcome to the Planet

What part of Wales?

I only speak a little conversational welsh, mainly due to the fact I'm saesneg living in the Valleys.

Thanks for all the kind welcomes, I hope I'll be able to contribute something interesting to this place!

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