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Ever fancied becoming an official POTV reviewer?


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Hi everyone!

Have you ever fancied trying out a variety of brand new vaping products for free and sharing your thoughts with a massive audience? Just imagine the power, the glory, the adoration...well this is your lucky day, or at least it might be as we are looking for a special kind of weirdo to join our dysfunctional family of official reviewers (power, glory and adoration are not guaranteed so don't hold me to that!).

What we are looking for

We are looking for someone who has a good level of communication who can not only cover the important basics and specs but can also capture the complete experience, the heart and soul of the products they are reviewing. Anyone can quote specs but it takes someone special to actually make these things sound interesting. We are not looking for robots, we want personality and humour as these are more what Potv has always been about. Whilst decent spelling and grammar are a big plus, we can fix stuff like that if the reviews are interesting and engaging.

You also need to be able to make the products look good so basic camera skills are also essential. We don't need studio level skills, god knows I haven't got any of those, but if you can take interesting pictures, well we can work with that. We have our own sizing and format requirements but that is something to look at further down the line.

You will need to be able to work to rough deadlines. Vaping gear comes and goes quickly, especially at the moment, so we often need to turn reviews around quite quickly. It can be time consuming but you can pick and chose how much you feel you can manage. Obviously gear needs time to be fully tested, but good time management is pretty essential.

Finally you need to be happy to try a wide range of products. At the moment we are getting a lot of salts, disposables, and pod kits, and I reckon we are going to see a rise in disposable alternative kits. It ain't all glamour and sexy toys but we do also get nice stuff in too, so you will need to be able to impartially test out a variety of products, even if they aren't what you would chose to use yourself. Personally I'm not great with salts, especially at 20mg, but if that's what we are sent, that's what we need to review!

So what's in it for you?

On a very basic level, you will get free stuff! You potentially will have more e-liquid than you know what to do with and more kits than you have space for. I am constantly getting moaned at for the amount of boxes we have cluttering up our house. You will get to be very close to your local posties and couriers too. You will also get to try new products either before they launch to the public or when they are just released. Sometimes we even get to try prototype stuff for our input direct to manufacturers, which is pretty cool!

OK OK, so how do you get involved?

So if I haven't bored the pants off you or put you off completely, and you think you have the personality and skills to be an awesome Potv reviewer, email me over some examples of what you have to offer and let's see what magic we can make together!
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