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Experience with "The Spartan Juice Co."


Oct 20, 2017
I bought a couple of liquids from juicyvapes.com a while ago, all under the name of "The Spartan Juice Co.".
I was interested in them as they were pretty damn cheap with only 10 pounds for 100ml or 14 pounds if you buy the "vintage" 10 weeks pre-steeped line.
I bought 6 bottles of liquid in 70% VG / 30% PG and wanted to share my experience with them. I would have bought less to actually try them first, but shipping to Germany is not worth it for small amounts.
I let all of them steep for nearly two weeks, of course not counting the "vintage" ones.
The testing setup was my trusty Augvape Merlin Mini with the single-coil deck.

Reggea Smash:
Personally I really like fruity flavors. Might not seem like it with what I've bought right here, but most of the liquids from The Spartan Juice Co. seem to be dessert-flavors. But the one fruity flavor they had and which I also liked the description of (I do not like strawberry for example) was this one.
Color-wise this liquid is pretty much fully transparent. Nothing special right here.
Mango Maracuja seemed like a pretty safe bet. But I can't really taste either of it. It has a strange sour taste, but does not taste the way it should be at all. It definitely got better with steeping tho. I tried it when it freshly arrived and it was horrible. Now it is just "not good at all" anymore. This one will land on ebay for sure. Maybe someone will like it.

Vintage Apple Pie Custard:
I really like apple-liquids. Pure Apple. So I thought that this one might be pretty enjoyable.
The liquid has a yellowish color by the way, if anone cares.
It does have a cakey taste at first with a really subtle apple-taste on the exhale. One good thing is that it is not overpowered with sweetener. This one is no coil-killer. I have not had any custard-liquids before so I can not really say that much to the custard-part.
It is not a bad liquid, but not my cup of tea as I would have hoped for a stronger apple.
Another candidate for ebay, as I have way too much liquid anyways. I could keep it, but it would probably still be here after a year.

Vintage Blueberry Donut:
I love donuts! But I am not really a fan of blueberrys.
Therefor I am glad that this one only has a slight blueberry taste with the donut dominating.
Again: Not overpowered with sweetener. Of this liquid I can easily vape a whole tank and still like it. It is not incredibly good with you being blown away by the flavor, but it is a solid liquid. I am going to keep this one for sure.
By the way, this one is colorless again.

Devils Glaze:
This one is supposed to be a glazed donut, and as I already said above - I love donuts!
I really did not like this one when I first tried it but now after two weeks it is pretty nice. Kind of like a little sweeter version of the Vintage Blueberry donut, of course except for the blueberry part. But it is not too sweet to gunk up your coils.
This one is going to stay with me, as I think that it will only get better with a little more steeping.
And again, this one is not colored whatsoever. Maybe someone will find this information useful - I have no idea.

Monkey Sludge:
This one is supposed to be a "Sticky Banoffee Cookie Dough with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream". Never having tried a "banoffe-cake" or something similar I can not compare it to the real thing.
First trying this one I made a mistake. I tried it right after one of the other liquids and the taste did not really come through that well.Trying it with fresh cotton I was able to get a better impression.
You do have a pretty prominent coffee-flavor with the banana coming in slightly at the exhale. I do not really get the part with vanilla ice-cream, but all in all it makes up for a good mix and is an interesting liquid, that is not really on the sweet-side even if it may sound like it. I did not taste a liquid quite like it ever before, so this is also going to stay with me. It is definitely no candidate for an all-day liquid, but having a little tank of it every once in a while is pretty nice.
This liquid has a dark brown color and definitely sets itself apart from the other ones solely due to that fact.

Home Alone:
This one is "Soft Belgium Chocolate Chip and Fudge Cookies Dunked in Thick, Creamy Milk".
It tastes pretty much like a chocolate brownie. That's it.
It is pretty nice if you like chocolate. For me, it is not an all-day liquid at all, but it is not bad either. This one would most likely be really nice with a dripper, but I do not own one, so....
Writing this "review" I seem to have lost the cap of this liquids bottle. Sacrifices were made....

And that's pretty much it. In conclusion I can say that the desserty-flavors are not bad at all, especially considering the small pricetag. You should not compare it to something like the Milkman or other premium-liquids, as they are in a whole different world price-wise, but they are definitely solid liquids.
But you should stay away from the fruity stuff. Maybe it was just the "Reggea-Smash" and other fruit-liquids from their line are better, but I would not count on it.
One thing I liked was that all of the liquids were not really that sweet. Due to that they can be vaped for a longer amount of time without you getting sick of them.
All in all I would recommend them if you want to save some money but do not want to get into DIY.

First time I tried to review liquids, so feedback would be appreciated. I am no expert, but maybe that makes it even more relatebale? Trying to justify half an hour I put into this :D
Hi @Zippy0
great review for you first one so well done.

mods might move this for you but for future reference its best posted in the review thread here https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/product-reviews/e-liquid-reviews/

ive never bought from these as they had some really (and i mean really) bad feedback over a year ago but i wont get into that as you actually received your juice.

there are plenty of budget suppliers out there but its just finding them but not sure if they ship outside the uk. my last one i did was nova vapes and the ice juices are really good especially for the price.
a couple of others also rate vape goo but not my thing.
this is worth bookmarking for future purchases POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
Sweet review full on information.... Nice one. Have any of you ever tried £1 e liquid from the website of the same name I've had a few from them and was pleasantly surprised good smooth vapes and the flavours I've had have been really good.....
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