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FA chocobaccy


Dec 13, 2016
Anybody tried FA chobaccy? From a quick look on google it seems there are no reviews or discussion about rut at all? I wonder if it’s because of the stupid name they gave it?

I got a bottle of it for £1 in a sale a while ago, with a load of other short dated FA stuff. I took a gamble and mixed a 50ml bottle. Can’t remember how strong I mixed it, I’m afraid.

I really like it. I’m tempted to call it a “low brow” flavour. It seems quite basic and straightforward, although I’m not totally sure what it’s supposed to taste like. Chocolate tobacco? Who knows. It does taste a bit like tobacco, with a sweet note, but not a caramel, vanilla ry4 style. It’s more tobaccoey than that.

I’ve never seen anybody mention it. Anybody else puffed it?
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