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Fantasy Fudge/Nanny Bakes Kitchen Concentrate Testing

Can anyone that has used their aniseed concentrate tell me if it turned your mixes cloudy. I just received mine, in the bottle its completely clear but when mixed even with just a few drops it turns my liquid cloudy. Is this normal and ok to vape? I really enjoy the taste and have been vaping it all afternoon but the cloudiness is worrying me slightly.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Not noticed it in a tank. Bottles are semi opaque, so can't tell in that

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Chocolate Strawberry Cream
To make 30.0mls @ 12.0mg Nicotine(Mls)
Base Nicotine - 5.0
PG : - 7.0
VG : - 15.0
Nanny Bakes Strawberry - 1.5
Nanny Bakes White Chocolate - 0.8
Nanny Bakes Cream - 0.8
Total Flavouring - 3.0
Expected PG:VG Ratio - 50:50
Actual PG:VG Ratio - 50:50

I mixed this up last night, its had a hot water bath and thats it, I've got ten ml with me today and 20ml steeping for long term testing but its very pleasant so far.

I love the fruit/white chocolate combination. I don't add cream, as I find it's very similar to the white chocolate anyway

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
dansolo. Many aniseed flavourings will turn the mix cloudy - in absinthe terms it is called The Louche. Depending on the strength of your blend it wil take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to steep and clarify a little but will not always go totally clear again.
Thanks for the reply Fleabag. I have no idea why but it's definitely something to do with the aniseed because I've added it to 3 different mixes and it happened to all of them. I have some T-Juice Afro Dizziac which is very strong aniseed that i made up a while ago and that is cloudy too so hopefully its nothing to worry about, its just every other juice I've had or made has been clear.
dansolo. Many aniseed flavourings will turn the mix cloudy - in absinthe terms it is called The Louche. Depending on the strength of your blend it wil take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to steep and clarify a little but will not always go totally clear again.

It does. I should've thought of that. Can't believe I'd blocked out the memory of Pernod & black!
Once puked on Pernod, you never fancy it again

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
@dansolo. Many aniseed flavourings will turn the mix cloudy - in absinthe terms it is called The Louche. Depending on the strength of your blend it wil take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to steep and clarify a little but will not always go totally clear again.

That is awesome, thank you for the clarification.
I love the fruit/white chocolate combination. I don't add cream, as I find it's very similar to the white chocolate anyway

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

I've refined this somewhat from that post. Cut back on the strawberry as it was too much. Its become an all day vape for me but it does need a good amount of steeping. I'll post up the latest version in a bit.
@Gilliandrea How did you get on with the bubblegum in the end? Did any of them turn out ok for you?

Ended up with some weird tasting juice... well to me it was, nice 'Hubba Bubba' on the inhale but it was an odd taste on the exhale with the Stevia and TPA sweetener, but the EM and DDL gave a better Bubblegum flavour :)

My daughter likes them, which was the whole point, made her a couple of them and ended up doing a 3% Inawera strawberry and 3% bubblegum with 1% EM to another mix and it was perfect for her :D
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