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Fastech tracking question

I've given up on FT & their joke-postal service,the 2 items I ordered beginning of Sept still haven't arrived & it even takes them a week to respond to a fecking support ticket.I ordered from another supplier in China,it too has now been listed as "never going to arrive" yet they even state allow 10 days(against FT 30 days)for orders.My NY Resolution is going to be...Don't order anything from outside the UK.
NORAD do a website for tracking Santa.

It may be worth seeing if they cover other fictional deliveries.
I paid an extra £20.00 to ensure a package delivery prior to Xmyth (as it was a £70.00 present ) and it was delivered by courier in nine days
Waited 8 weeks for a fasttech order and when I contacted them all the done was refunded with no explanation but got my money so not all bad :)
I must be one of the lucky ones. I don't care about the time it takes. I first ordered from ft knowing it was going to be a while before it came. My first order took 5 weeks, next around 3. Both long enough to tell me if I wanted something quick then ft wasn't the place to go. Instead I went for the order something every couple of weeks and get what comes when it comes. I got a nice little bag of drip tips this week. Long short stainless glass, no idea how long they took to come as I ordered them in an insomniac moment and chose not to count the days. Little and often seems to work with ft. I know ft will split an order if one item is out of stock on a list of ordered bits, but keeping orders small will likely save any delay in case they aren't on the ball and they hold an order up for one item.
Somebody here said they paid 20 quid to get expedited delivery, no way I would be doing that, for me that's like paying as much for postage as my average order.

Cheap stuff, Free delivery. You get what you pay for (but sometimes you don't).
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