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fat daddy


Feb 6, 2014
Hi, Been browsing the tinterweb and came across the Mod makers site and I was wondering how you find out what the centre pin size and is it posible to buy centre pins to convert other RDA's to squonkability ( if that is in fact a word , if its not I claim the rights on coining it first ) Any of you Squonking gurus done a conversion yourselves ? how easy or difficult is it. By the way just ordered a movkin disguiser with the squonk adapter kit and a vortice so very soon I'll be a squonker too...
@hodge40 you're probably best placed to answer this.
It is possible to by bf pins, I'm looking for one for a hobo 3.1 atm. Fat daddy Vapes does them.
What are you wanting to convert?
Not sure yet I would like to know what would be the easiest or what the best option would be to give it a go
@hodge40 you're probably best placed to answer this.
It is possible to by bf pins, I'm looking for one for a hobo 3.1 atm. Fat daddy Vapes does them.
What are you wanting to convert?
I don't know to a list of sizes or anything like that I'm afraid the fdv are available in 2.5 or 3mm , there's drilling option for most as well or slotting insulators it varies atty to atty I'm afraid
Not sure yet I would like to know what would be the easiest or what the best option would be to give it a go
Why not get something like the velocity v2 to start with? It comes with standard and bf pin
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