Ok just a quick update . Have had some of the acrylic in but am still waiting on another delivery . Once that arrives I will probably start a new thread in the mod makers section. Need to check with admin.
Hell yeah, that orange looks lushOk quick update.
All acrylic is in . So below are pics of the different colours and the four styles. If the original 20 can update the list stating style and colour eg B7 or D5 next to your names. Once the list is fully updated I will move to a new thread.
View attachment 48744
View attachment 48745
1. Jugg1es C5
2. 5miley
3. cloudcuckoo
4. Hodge40
5. daz_app
6. dw1986
8. pittard9 D7 please mate! Thanks
9. pac2401
10. Kippax
11. Mumra
12. GothicCorpse
13. bushie
14. TruckinVaper
15. Gerry
16. Tobywonkanobi
17. TuX93
18. Weepapagirlrappers
19. jamiee93
20. Kingmoonie