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First batch of eliquid made just need a little advice.


Oct 7, 2015
Hello there everyone. So iv recently got into everything vaping over the last month or so and its already like a hobby to me. I ventured in to making my own liquid as i was spending a fortune on ejuice, more than i was when i was smoking in fact. So on my first try i made a few ten ml bottles, all recipes from here but just used flavours from the makemyvape website. Iv got say after a shake and a warm bath, a night steep and a few shakes here and there the flavours i were getting tasted amazing. Really strong grest tasting flavours. I made vimto, strawberri bubblegum and grape drank clone. So with these tasting so good i made a batch of 50ml bottles also different flavours. I made these up on tuesday. Really caring for them warm bath after making them all, shaking them every now n them, kept them in a dark place n breathing them a few hours once a day, but all the juices seem to be loosing there flavours. I thought the flavours would get better over time?? I mean the flavours are still there but nowhere near as strong. Any ideas to where iv gone wrong or anything i can do to bring the flavours back?? The smell of the liquids also isnt as strong, is this a common thing?

Sorry for the essay people and i appreciate you taking time to read this. Thanks guys.
I should probably also state these are all 70/30 vg to pg flavour, one is 80/20 and one is 90/10. Nicotine base is vg also with ten percent flavour.
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That's very odd - I can't think why that might happen. Possibly you are getting used to the flavour so your perceiving a loss of intensity. Or maybe you need to rewick?
Were your initial small batches at the same ratio's as the large?

VG (IMO) does tend to mute flavour a little, PG carries it better.
If the ratios are the same then it could be you are getting 'used' to them so they do not smell or taste as potent.

Finally - and I am not sure on this.....just theory and thought.
Large bottles introduce more air through use, maybe the flavour 'evaporates' in to the air?
I only mention this as I noticed TFA strawberry was immense when I started on 10ml concentrate.
So good I bought a 100ml bottle, but, my mixes seemed to loose flavour on those bathces.
The next 100ml concentrate I bought was decanted in to 10ml bottles and it helped the flavour no end.
(NB - I am talking about concentrate at this point not eliquid).
The same maybe true of eliquid, or are your concentrates in large bottles?
The only thing thats crossed my mind is that i have an aga cooker in my kitchen which was where i was keeping the liquids in a cupbored about two metres from the cooker. Basically the kitchens always warm lol

Yeh the ratios were all kept the same just using recipes from here. I am of understanding the more pg the more flavour but cant be doin with that throat hit and im pretty much going for clouds right now. Iv been rotating flavours every refill betweem vimto, strawberri bubblegum and grape drank clone an id say i refill twice a day. I have single flavours also so will try giving them a vape over the next few days n go back to the others later on. I only brought ten ml concentrates but gunna go for larger bottles on next order.
Heres my first batch. What do u think of labels??


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When you rotate flavours are you changing wicks or tanks?
Perhaps you are mixing them all up and missing flavour that way?
Else, you may just be getting used to so they are not so pronounced - it does happen.
Im vaping with the kangertech subox kbox mini n clean the tank out with every change of liquid. Also change the .5 coils n clean and rotate them everytime also as i have a few. I buy 5 every two weeks id say. Going to get on to using the rebuildable coil eventually as that will save me more money jus one step at a time ay lool when i first got the device i tried building my own n set it on fire a little so jus researching more n gaining more knowledgr before i move on to the more advanced things. Dont think im doing anything wrong then, ill come back n taste in a few days n see if i get that taste i was after a shake n vape. Thanks for help guys.
I don't rebuild but do rewick. If you buy some of the old horizontal Subtank coils, they are a doddle to rewick. I've been on the same one now for almost 2 months and it still works perfectly! It's saved me a fair amount of cash.
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