I don't think you'll regret it. I just started using, and really like TPA's Gingerbread Cookie, it isn't like their Gingerbread, that is too spicy and ends up a bit 'Black Jacky' though it smells really like Jamaican Ginger Cake in the bottle. The G'Bread Cookie is a proper soft biscuit flavour, really nice, doesn't get sickly.
I think it has some form of Sugar Cookie, like Cap's, that is a great biscuit juice, stood alone or with Lemon, Lime, or Raspberry types of juice, I'd suggest Caps Sugar Cookie as it is so versatile, If you get on with that I think you'd like the TPA GBread Cookie. I have only found it at the Juice Cabin, though I didn't check Leisure Liquids, they have a great range of TPA concentrates.
Edit, both of these are good to vape as soon as you mix, though if you add another flavour to the Sugar Cookie, it is the usual 'give it a week'