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First Dual Coil Build


Feb 27, 2017
Hi All,

Please see my first dual coil build below.

It's 6 wraps on a 3ml diameter, using 24g Kanthal. Built on a Avocado 24 RDTA, on a Sigelei Kaos Mod.

It reads 0.27 ohms and smokes really well.

I've found that coils a little bit further from the posts smoke a little bit better. Was getting a lot of dry hits with the coil tight against the posts.

If anyone could post their two pennies worth, that would be appreciated!


Looking pretty clean! one could do with a little pinch just to get it all tight together, careful moving them TOO far away from the posts as your leg length can cause you to lose a little power to the coils but other than that theyre looking good!

if youre getting dry hits its most likely to do with the wicking rather than coil position being closer to the posts, either too tight in the coils or too tight in the tail slots maybe.

I always forget how off centre the avocado deck is...
Looking pretty clean! one could do with a little pinch just to get it all tight together, careful moving them TOO far away from the posts as your leg length can cause you to lose a little power to the coils but other than that theyre looking good!

if youre getting dry hits its most likely to do with the wicking rather than coil position being closer to the posts, either too tight in the coils or too tight in the tail slots maybe.

I always forget how off centre the avocado deck is...

Spot on with the moving too far away from the posts. Also don't want to cause a short out if they're touching the casing, not so much of an issue on a regulated mod but on a mech... Well that's a different story.

Good build for a first dual build. Only way to get better is by practicing! Might be worth investing in some ceramic tweezers if you haven't already got some. Much easier to get the coils to heat from the centre outwards I find.
Looking good on the coils. I tend to use cotton bacon, not too thick, but always have the tails long enough to just touch the bottom of the juice tank. [emoji16][emoji16]
Nice work! They don't look too bad. And hey, if it works well, who cares!
Whatever works for you man! For a first go they look very tidy! My first coils were horrible! I must have gone through about 6 feet of kanthal before I got anything usable! (Much swearing and asking myself if it was worth it!)
Personally I prefer to slightly space the coils so there's no hot spots, stuff loads of wick in there so no spitting and then float away in the clouds! Lovely!
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