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First mech squonk I like to check if I'm safe?


Sep 20, 2016
I build at 0.31 with a Samsung 25r I checked on stream-engine and give 38% head room so I'm good to go? Plus how do I know when to change the battery at safe voltage?
Hi Mate,

0.31 will be fine on 25r's. As you say, 13.55A :)

Have you checked up on Battery Safety, as well as Ohms Law?

With regards to when to change calls - the vape will drop off when its's time to swap them out and in time you'll find yourself pulling cells at 3.8v every time :18:

Welcome to Mech Squonk-Land :)
no only on steam are those others web site?

PS: i know the ohm law as law to build coil but not the web site
You'll recognise when to change out the battery when the vape loses heat, just check it on a charger occasionally in the meantime.
...also mech's produce less amp draw as the battery drains, not like in a regulated mod where it increases, you'll get to a point where it's not making enough vapour way before the battery gets below 3v.

are you safe? depends on the build, the 510 pin, etc ... hard shorts are far more dangerous than going a little over a cells CDR. Putting a 'safe' resistance build in is only a very small part of vaping with minimal risk on a mechanical set up.
Working out amp draw on a mech is really very simple.

Voltage ÷ Resistance = Amps

So 4.2v is the max voltage for the battery and your resistance is 0.31.

4.2/0.31 = 13.54

As the voltage drops as the battery discharges, the amps become less for example 3.7/0.31 = 11.93.

As Simon says the biggest mistake people make is creating hard shorts by not maintaining their equipment properly, not checking their coil regularly on a ohm reader and basically been idiots.

If the coil ever touches the deck, you will get a hard short and that's a big problem. Clean your device regularly, including the contacts with a good metal cleaner, check your attie everytime you take it off your device to make sure the coil hasn't shifted or the resistance has fluctuated too far and make sure your battery wraps are always in 100% condition, any nicks or damage, rewrap immediately.
So is safe to say to check with the coil tester every week the atty, or make a new build and clean also every week?

At the moment seem fine?
I don't touch my coils for months, but any time I rewick, the atty goes on an ohms reader for checking while I dry burn them, anything regulated would also work just as well.

Short version - Any time you touch the coils, double check them.
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