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First Mod advice


May 5, 2013
Hi all

As i'm a relative newby to this scene my knowledge is severely limited so was wondering if the SS Vamo was a good first venture into mods and if so what would be the best tank to put with it etc.

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Depends on your budget or how much you want to spend really, the ss vamo seems a very popular choice to get into the world of vv, if you wanted to spend a little more you've also got the sigelei zmax the evic the telsa and the new smok sid aswell. The kanger protank is popular at the moment, I have one and its great for ease of use and great vapour production and flavour, looks pretty too :D
Hope this helps lol, as I know it can be a bit of a mine field when choosing your first "proper" mod
Wing it and buy the one you think is prettiest, you'll most likely end up with half a dozen anyway ;)

But as a vamo owner, nowt wrong with 'em. Great kit for the price and a protank certainly wouldn't look out of place on one. But then neither would a vivi nova or a good sized carto tank.
Its a nightmare trying to decide what to go for and finding where to get it from. Is it worth looking to get a used one or buying new.
Will you need batteries, charger etc?

If so, a kit may be the way to go.

You can get a chrome vamo with charger, a pair of batteries and a vivi nova for sub £50, which is the route itook, and would again :D
Those kits are all well and good, but if your going to take up vaping long term, save yourself some money and invest in some good quality batterys like efests and a charger like the xstar or a nitcore i4 , you will save in the long run. I'm not dissing those kits as their good to get you going but just my 2pence
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