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First RDA - rebuild question(s)...


Feb 5, 2014
I got my first RDA this week; a Smok Scar and now I want to rebuild the coils but I'm not sure of the best steps to take.

I've watched a few videos and it seems to be down to preference, but I'd still like some tips if possible?!

Is it best, for a noob, to build the coils first, attach them to the posts and then feed the silica through or should the coils be built around the silica wick and then attached to the posts?

It'll be running on a SID with silica wicks and either 0.15 or 0.2 kanthal. How many loops, roughly, will I need on each coil to keep it operable on the SID, or around 1.5 ohms?

Thanks :)
Easy for folks to reply and say X wraps = X ohms etc etc, but IMO, you can't beat just building some and checking the ohms yourself, and get a feel for what does what. As for silica, it's blooming difficult to thread silica through a coil, so better to start off hand wrapping over the silica.
Try a microcoil with a cotton wool wick, it's so easy and the flavour is sooo much better. There are loads of videos around, just google 'microcoil'!
Micro coils and cotton were not too successful for me on the scar, its a bottom fed dripper and comes with a rats nest of silica. I quickly lost patience and got an igo w when I looked at sorting out the airflow on it.
Due to the wire sizes you say you have,you're restricted atm to winding the coils onto the silica.To help do this,insert a pin/needle/piece of wire through the centre of the silica to hold it stiff while you wind the wire on to the wick.Usually find that 4-5 wraps on 3mm (ish) silica will get you approx your required ohms.
It's done! Thanks for the advice! :D

First attempt, 4 twists of 0.15 kanthal around 2mm silica for each coil and it's coming out at 1.6Ω

Canny happy with my first attempt, surprisingly it vapes better than the factory coil.

It's done! Thanks for the advice! :D

First attempt, 4 twists of 0.15 kanthal around 2mm silica for each coil and it's coming out at 1.6Ω

Canny happy with my first attempt, UNsurprisingly it vapes better than the factory coil.


Fixed it for you :P
Haha it took a while to see what you fixed! :P

But seriously, I can be such a ham-fisted idiot with fiddly things I'm surprised it works at all.
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