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First rebuildable


Feb 27, 2013
Looking to purchase my first rebuildable , was thinking of ordering an Aga t2 currently using a vivi nova and although they can be recoiled my eyesight doesnt allow me to do this , far to small for me so looking for something a bit more managable would this be a good first choice or is there anything else to consider....
I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if you struggle to recoil a vivi, you may find it difficult to coil an Aga. Although wrapping it genesis style is probably simpler once you have the knack,(you barely have to look at it to initially make the coil) learning it could be a bit of a struggle, and fiddling around with coils to get rid of hotspots a nightmare. I really don't want to be the a**ehole, but I wouldn't want to say "Yeah, it's easy" and have you waste your hard earned.
I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if you struggle to recoil a vivi, you may find it difficult to coil an Aga. Although wrapping it genesis style is probably simpler once you have the knack,(you barely have to look at it to initially make the coil) learning it could be a bit of a struggle, and fiddling around with coils to get rid of hotspots a nightmare. I really don't want to be the a**ehole, but I wouldn't want to say "Yeah, it's easy" and have you waste your hard earned.
Just the kind of info i was after i know recoilng anything is to going to take practice and a steady hand but the novas seem to be a right fiddly job, if i cant find anything a bit easier i think ill have to stick to buying replacement ones
Hi jocave

Like you I've got a severe problem with my eyesight.
Not many people know this, but mm will now, I'm classed as blind/ severely visual impaired on my left eye, and got about 65% sight in my right eye, so understand your struggles.

I try not to let things get in my way, but unfortunately I need to learn to face the truth no matter how embarrassing and admit I have got a problem with my sight. (Something I never thought I would admit to openly, as I do not want pity or come across as being week if that makes sense)

Recoiling can be fiddly, but I use a magnifier with a built in light and that seems to work quite well for me.

So in theory, if I can do it, so can you, unless you're a lot worse off than me, it’s more a case of how comfortable are you normally with trying new things.
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Hi jocave, I have a Vivi Nova and an Aga T and in all honesty I'd stick with the Nova if you find recoiling difficult. At least with the Vivi Novas you can buy ready built heads which is something you can't do with the Aga t2. Food for thought buddy :)
Thanks VT and Ado not confident recoiling the Nova , maybe a magnifying glass is q good idea only 41 and only use glasses for reading but even my girlfriend who has perfect eyesight struggles to do what im explaining needs to be done, unless there is something easier im going to have to stick with the Novas and keep buying spare heads every week, thanks for all the advice guys
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