skc1989 Thanks a lot for the pic but personally a progression for me would be something smaller than the MVP 2, not larger. Maybe I'll change my mind though. What about the depth, is the IPV2 slimmer than the MVP 2?
Anyway for now I gotta get flavour sorted otherwise batteries are useless. I can't take pics of my coil setup yet, camera is broken and I'm waiting on a new one to arrive. I gave the Veritas a good old clean today, took everything apart and scrubbed it clean. It's still the same. I did clean it originally, but the first time I didn't take everything apart, so i wanted to eliminate it being dirty as the issue.
I've read that the Veritas performance can be 'off' so to speak if it is set up is incorrectly is just the smallest way. What kind of things could I be doing wrong? While I've got no pics I'll just list out how my coil looks and how I've set it up:
~ Horizontal single coil (tried 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm coils, attached negative leg to both right and left post screw with no difference in performance. Adjusted coil height centre to airhole, slightly above, further down, etc. Also adjusted coild very close to airhole and further away, etc.
~ I wrap the coils around a screwdriver from my precision screwdriver set.
~ Single vertical coil, same setups as above only vertial
~ 28 round Kanthal used from two suppliers, one from stealthvapes who I've read are reputable. I sometimes heat the kanthal first, sometimes just heat the coil once installed. Same performance either way.
~ Tightened and loosened the post screws. I found when the positive post screw was less tight that it performed slightly better, but the flavour difference was minimal.
~ Made sure the positive leg is straight and not too long.
~ Made the wraps close and further apart. Couldn't tell any difference.
~ Cut the excess wire as close to the post screws as I can. There is still a little wire showing, but hardly that much.
~ I have tried various juice flavours, anything from 70PG to 80VG. The PG flavours did taste much better but I got the same performance from a MPT3. The MPT3 is a good little device, but I've only got a T3S coil in it and I am expecting better performance from a dripper.
~ I've used Organic white cotton and Muji cotton. No difference is flavour.
~ I have used several different drip tips, from fairly wide to thin, all metal drip tips. I have no plastic ones I can try. Then again the MPT3 that I have has a metal drip tip, and I have no problems there.
~ I've tried vaping at different wattages, from 6 to 11 watts.
~ Adjusted the airhole, no major difference in flavour.
~ Tried various amounts of cotton, from loosely in the coil to more tightly packed. Also at first I made the wick tails so they just touch the bottom of the juice well. I have found though that when I use more cotton and spread it out at the botton of the juice well, the flavour 'slightly' improves. I've also added some cotton above the coil to try and draw the vapour through the airhole more. this didn't improve the flavour and made the draw too tight, so i don't bother anymore.
~ The coil glows nice and evenly and quickly. The vapour production is fine.
~ I've made coils from 1.1 to 2.1 ohms. No major difference in flavour.
Geez people if I've left anything out I'll post again, but I can't think of anything right now. Anything obvious I might be doing wrong? Anything at all? No suggestion is too small!