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Fitting a drip tip

So after removing the black cover the atty will look like this

Then slide on the cannon drip tip and drip away


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1365016073.015876.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1365016073.015876.jpg
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I only answered so quickly as guess what........yep I made the same mistake when I got one but I waited a month before finding out rather than not asking the question on the forum.

I am sure you have just made a few people happy now they understand.

Not stupid great question .... Would be nice though if the vendors put instructions for these sort of things
Thanks Mark, may have buggered the O-ring seal at the bottom of my tip in my experimenting stage before I asked though :(

Dont feel bad, I did the same thing, except I dripped onto the atty, then put the black cover on and tried to vape. BURNT LIPS OUCH!

And yes, they are a tight fit, try coating the O-Ring with some e-liquid, that always helps!
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