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Flavour build


Apr 1, 2015
Hi guys n girls, fairly new to building and so on. So as the title suggests can anyone give some tips for a big flavour I'm using a mutation x v3 rda with a duel coil build at 0.48 ohms and using mothers milk from suicide bunny 70:30 (70 vg). My vape production is good and flavour is ok but I'm sure could be better. Just wondering if anyone has same hardware and has found a sweet build for flavour? Should I try and higher ohm build or might it be my wicking? Like I said I'm pretty new to this and any pointers are gladly received. Thanks in advance for any replies!
Parallel coil of 4-5 wraps round a 2.5 mm bit. Use either 0.4 or 0.45mm wire.
Or try a Clapton in the V3.
A couple of things:

Firstly, the more air you have in your atty, the less flavour you get. When going for flavour, you should always try and have as tight a draw as you can get away with (if you lung inhale, you'll need more airflow than if you lung to mouth, but try and tighten it up as much as possible without it being a pain in the arse). The mutation isn't great for this, but do the best you can.

Secondly and generally, the smaller the chamber,the better the flavour. (Basically, I'm saying that you should probably think about picking up another atty if you're after flavour).

Thirdly, the absolute best coil for flavour is a straight up, plain and boring, single micro-coil. If you don't believe me, check out some of Rip Tripper's videos - he builds hundreds of different types of coils but still says a single micro-coil gives the best flavour. For me, I've found a 0.3mm Kanthal micro coil with 2.5mm diameter @1.5Ohms is the best. For the majority of my juices, 17.7W is the real sweet spot.

Good luck!
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