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Flying Ryanair with a Vape (MVP 4)


Been looking around online and can't tell definitely what I should do. Flying out to Spain with Ryanair on Friday from Birmingham airport.

I have recently bought an MVP4 (which has a 4500 mah Lithium Polymer) so I would have something to last me a few days while vaping my MTL Prism S tank. I may also take my Endura T20s for a portable day trip device.

Reading up I shouldn't put these in hold luggage but will I be ok taking these through security and onto the plane. I have been reading conflicting stories and also the capacity of the battery may be a limiting factor. Wouldn't want to get kit seized.

I will take some ejuice but will put that in the hold luggage.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as first time flying as a vaper. They do make things difficult to stay off the cigs :)


Regulations are up to the airport, not the airline.
I didn't have any trouble when I've flown with my kit.
I flew Ryanair from Manchester to Malaga earlier this month. 2xMods 5x18650 batteries + 100ml of juice. Just put everything into trays provided at Security checks (and my boots as well for some strange reason??)
Batteries were in appropriate boxes supplemented by a couple of elastic bands wrapped around. No problems at all. As above though NO batteries, internal or external, in hold luggage. You must carry onto the plane any Lithium ion batteries.
Cool. Thanks for the reassuring advice. I will only have the mvp4 and possibly my T20s which are both internal li po battery so no worse than my mobile. Will carry one juice with me and have the rest in checked bag.
I don't see why they would have a problem with capacity. Most laptop batteries are around 5,000mAh and you can take those on a plane.
I couldn't see why either as my mobile has a 5400mah battery and they let me on with that.
Regulations are up to the airport, not the airline.
I didn't have any trouble when I've flown with my kit.
I will try with what I have and see. Hopefully it will all go off without a hitch. Being a new carpet would hate to have it all take off me just before going to the land of cheap tags.
Take them in your hand luggage. I just keep them in my pocket and put them out in the tray at security. I went through security and on to a Ryanair flight a few weeks ago with a 20000 mah power pack and nobody batted an eyelid.
That was my thinking. Essentially it's a power bank as well (mvp4) so it should be all good. You just get niggles when you read some of the crap online trying to scare you. New valer so just wanted to check in as this forum is so freidnly and full of good advice.
Mate I flew back from Belfast yesterday with a 5000mah eleaf ipower on me and it was fine. No issues at security.

As already said, mod in the tray and liquids in a wee plastic bag.

Enjoy your holiday.
Mate I flew back from Belfast yesterday with a 5000mah eleaf ipower on me and it was fine. No issues at security.

As already said, mod in the tray and liquids in a wee plastic bag.

Enjoy your holiday.
Cool. Thanks for taking the time to reassure a new vaper on the rules. Cheers
I would be more concerned about flying with Ryanair than worrying what to do with my vape.

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