Arcane; adj, known or understood by very few, mysterious, secret, obscure, esoteric. (had to look the fcuker up)
Ok thanks for your thoughts, taking all of the main things to remember into account I would still suppose that with, say a 1.5mm juice channel, an (extreme example) 3.5mm coil would not perform (wicked perfectly) against an equivalent 1.5mm coil (wicked perfectly). Part of me thinks this is intuitively obvious and part of me thinks it might be horseshit. And that it might be a rule of thumb with tolerances rather than a set in stone benchmark.
Anyway I'll play with it as a working theory especially with the KF4's I have, (2 juice holes each end of wick so double the ID of a single hole oi reckon) as the kf-4 CAN BE a trecherous and temperamental little missy and I've spent many hours with many different coil and wick configs so I should be able to assess it's horseshit factor.
I think it was @
DaveX ? ....said he thought the orchid v6 he had was 'utter utter bollocks' which both made me laugh and feel gutted as one was halfway from China to me. Now it's arrived and I've bunged in 2 juice hole size matching coils I have to say I'm pretty darned impressed with it. Still I've only done half a tank through it there's plenty of time to arrive at the same conclusion myself yet.