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Friday the 13th - Scary Vaping


May 8, 2022
Next week is Friday the 13th, and as we all know this is a scary day…right up there with Election Day and a visit to the dentist :56: And I’m not superstitious…perhaps just a wee bit stitiious :18:

Leading up to this dastardly day, I thought I’d query you all about your scariest vaping experience :11:

  • Was it hearing your favorite mech mod arc and expecting it to blow up?
  • Was it the fear that vaping will be banned by ignorant politicians where you are?
  • Was it your first attempt at mesh wicking and fear of a dry-hit?
  • Was it your partner’s demand that you choose between him/her and your vape collection?
  • Or was it that he/she was going to start vaping…and steal all your gear?
  • Was it hearing that the only juice/tank/mod you ever loved was going to be discontinued?
To get the ball rolling, just one of my scary vape-stories: I was using an Innokin Klypse, and the fecking thing began to auto-fire in my hand. Pulled out the pod, shook it, even smacked it on the table, but it just kept getting warmer and warmer. Rather than having it explode in my face, the only thing I could think to do was throw it in the wet grass in a corner of the garden. Think it’s still there… :18:

Maybe not the scariest, but I’m sure there are some pretty scary stories out there :22: What’s yours?

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Forgot to put juice in a newly wicked dripper and took a big toot at about 120w.

Coughed flames out my nose and singed my nose hair.

Surprised I didn't do a lot more damage to myself than that!
for me it was the profile rda & using mesh i must not have put enough cotton under the coil & set at 60w a dry hit & fire from hell it was so bad it made me puke.
Mine also concerns Mesh, when i first started Vaping i got the 1st Profile RDA as my 1st build having heard about the dreaded Mesh Dry Hit. The 1st time was great as i was using the Profile as a Dripper whilst i was waiting for a Squonk Mod, Mod arrived i built the Deck and Wicked it and began Vaping. Thinking i had this Mesh Building down to a Tee i forgot to Squonk and got the Dry Hit from Hell, I was vaping at 50W and it hurt. Since then i have been ultra Careful and very rarely go above 40W. A Unforgettable experience.
Inserted a pair of 18650s' in series in a dual bat parallel mech mod, an el cheapo unbranded clone thing, almost 100% brass and copper, surprised I didn't shit myself. Circa late 2015/ early 2016, from, I think, a bloke called Eddie, aka


Aah, the memories, best of vape times, except nothing really worked as it should have done :D
Nothing really apart from a Paps V4 auto firing when I had inadvertently sat it down upright, but unbeknownst to me, it happened to be sitting on a TINY grain of Salt!! The most sensitive Fire Button EVER!!! :violin:
Nothing really that scary here, but I remember I didn't lock the fire button on a brand new mod whilst up the hospital one day. It must've kept firing in my pocket. Burnt the wick through completely and heated up my trousers rather nicely. To top it off, it was my only mod so had to go without til I got home.
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