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Review Fused Claptons by cloudcuckoo


Jul 14, 2013
So, Rich cloudcuckoo and myself were having a chat about coils via whatsapp, and being the gentleman that he is, he sent some through to me....I did want to review the whole lot, but they will have to wait as there is no way im taking this out of my mutatation :)

So these come delivered well packaged, and ive got to say that the finish of the coils is VERY professional. Theres no loose wires, and the legs are nice and long, and nicely finished.....

The atty i decided to use was my MutationXs v4. Its by far my favourite dripper, and with the reduced chamber the flavour is immense.


You'll notice that the deck is quite small, but the post holes easily accommodate the fused claptons

I had to jiggle the coils around a fair bit to make them fit, however, the coils are nice and robust with no danger of it unravelling.


This was the first pulse of the coils....no hot legs just nice and consistent glow. After a little pinching they both glowed nicely.....shall we see what the ohms come out at? Yes....lets....


A not to shabby 0.20ohms...and at just under a shade under 99 watts will be nice and warm

Shall we now go and wick this little beauty up? Yes, i think we shall....follow me...

Now I weighed the amount of cotton Ive been using, and as near as i can tell, there is approx a metric fuck tonne in this....


Now, this obviously needs some juice....oh, I know....how about some Nipple Juice??


The cotton bacon wicks like a really good wicking thing and works for me....

So, on with the rest of the mute...


A bit of a tight fit? Yep.....but believe me, this works....

Ive been running this non stop every evening for the last week, usually at anything between 60-110 watts, and the flavour from this has been insane. The coils have been superb and have taken an absolute hammering. A quick rinse and dry burn and the coils are like new.

I seriously cannot thank Rich enough for sending these my way.....These are a seriously good piece of kit, and if your not confident or capable of making claptons (like me) then these are a must.

Just one word of warning though....If you are duel coiling these babies then be prepared to get through a massive amount of juice....i mean MASSIVE.....
Huuuuge thanks for this review bud, not expected at all. Again thanks for taking the time, felt like i was on a little tour.

Mrs is rolling her eyes as my heads swelling a bit.

Ok whats happened to me I just thought to myself "now that's a sexy build" and I have never even made a coil. But you made me think it! well that and your awesome David Bowie.. it could have been that too.
Ok whats happened to me I just thought to myself "now that's a sexy build" and I have never even made a coil. But you made me think it! well that and your awesome David Bowie.. it could have been that too.

My Bowie is awesome :D
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