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Geek vape gbox s100

Just to add, while by S100 was working I loved it but when it developed its fault I contacted Geek Vape who confirmed it was out of production so I started using Dripbox 160s which are not the prettiest but are good workhorses.
Agree with the dripbox 160 . Solid squonker got a white one but only takes a 22mm. Got a wasp on it and fits great.
Go with Stealthvape for atty gaskets, they're soft and flexible and create a seal but the FT discs are solid and are to prevent heat transfer like on Mad Dog and some older monster attys.

510s, here you go, S100, Drone and Dripbox 160:

2017-07-31 s100 510.jpg

2017-07-31 drone 510.jpg

2017-07-31 db160 510.jpg
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