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Genuine Vaping Side Effects

When I first started I used to get a really, really dry throat that nothing would fix
Only effect I ever had was when a mate handed me his TF4 and asked me why it tasted a bit funny, so I took the mother of all hits (was very drunk) and it turned out the coil was wrecked and not feeding any juice. Safe to say I thought I was breathing fire and my throat the next day was a little worse for wear!

Apart from the occasional nic headache I haven't had any!
sounds like a load of you need those wonder sachets that Rip Tripper tried to promote. Shit forgot they don't actually do anything that excercise hydration and a few otherthings can sort.
My vape ailments and cures are pg makes me feel like i have just done about 10 miles cross country run, burning lungs and throat sensation. so now make my own 80%vg
Shinyitus is an addiction but cureable by staying away from fasttech, Gearbest etc.
Nicotine rush from 18mg or 12mg. cured by going sub ohm with 3mg
Finally TPD rules give me headaches and make me pig sick. There is no cure for those but there are things that can be done to get round them lets call those preventative measures. or ignorance
reading all the comments side effects seem very very mild in fact if you asked this on a smoking ciggies forum what answers then.... it makes you wonder

I have no side effects from vaping even if I did how could I prove it, giving up nicotine to me is like giving up coffee and I get side effects from coffee, if I do not drink it. example someone switched all the coffee and teabags at work to decaf people suffered caffeine withdraw symptoms it was like world war 3

the thing is the long term effects are?..... we just dont know. but to me, the odds from smoking and death are 2 out of 3 so a headache, sticky hands, poverty are well worth it.

vape on
@crustyfolker - haha yeah was wondering when somebody would bring up Riptrippers "ailments"
I haven't found any negative effects apart from a dry mouth if I neglect to drink water whilst vaping
no impact whatsoever on lung capacity or respiratory system when I'm doing cardio, used to really notice a drop in performance if I'd been smoking cigarettes for a few days
My worst experience of vaping was few weeks ago,when i bought my first e-cigarette,in a market in my city. When i was trying it out for the first time i got a warning from a angry old lady who told my that it was not alouded there,, i reialized that maby it has affect on the non-smokers around me but i have'nt got a clue if it's true or false.Do you know if it's dangerous, not to compere to smoking real cicarettes but by it self?
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