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Getting a bit fed up now!!


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
I have deleted all previous posts made on the subject of The Classified Sections as it was abundantly clear that nobody was doing anymore than paying me Lip Service.

Just so that you are all aware. I don't spend hours of my days looking after these sections for the good of my health.
I do it, aided and abetted by Toby, so that everything runs as smoothly as is possible and also to make sure that we are doing all we can to keep The Trolls, Nea Do Wells and Mischief Makers at bay.

However, it has now come to my attention that several members have entered into sales with newcomers who did not have the required post counts to be using the Classified Sections.
Those of you whom have done this,very well know what the forum's stance is about this! Yet you have taken it upon yourselves to go ahead with these transactions, I suspect that you either thought, or more likely "hoped" that I would remain Blissfully Unaware?
Sadly for you, this is not the case. I have 3 names thus far, from whom I would have hoped I would have received some support. But by your actions, you have made me realise that (a) EVERYTHING that we have done to try and safeguard you all, has been for nought. (b) You obviously have absolutely zero respect for myself, The Admins, or The other Moderators.

It's been a very fine line that I have walked, trying to keep everything as fair to ALL as possible, whilst attempting to keep a firm grasp on my sense of humour and perspective. Well I can tell you now that you have succeeded in making me feel utterly ridiculous.

There is a Chap who does a similar job to mine on a.n.other forum. His methods have always been the perfect example, in my eyes, of how the job should not be done. Threatening and bullying people has never been my style, nor has it any place on POTV, so instead, I have always tried to keep things at a happy medium. Things have occasionally gone wrong, but thanks to our amazing Admins, those that have attempted to do the dirty, have more often than not been left with considerable amounts of egg on their faces and have also received unwanted attentions from the Police in worst cases.

The Admins, Staff and Moderators will be discussing all of this and no doubt an announcement will be made regarding future changes etc. I now have to decide how much more involvement I am prepared to accept. I am not joking here, you 3 have made me sad, angry and managed to make me feel pretty worthless. I sincerely hope that you are pleased with yourselves!!
Oh, shit, hope the classifieds stay.
The rules are there for very good reasons.
Bugger, is this worse news than last nights draw?
I need a cup of tea.
Rob and toby do this for our good not for themselves. Iam saddened to hear how this whole ordeal has affected rob and has made him feel. I for one appreciate what the mods do for us all and without this forum i dont know how my vaping journey would of went. Please just read the rules and abide by them and then we can all enjoy the great things Potv can offer us!!
It's just a thought, @Rob , but would it help to also stop the PM function for newbies until they have reached the required post count? After all, I can't really see why a noob would need to PM anyone here when they first join anyway and any questions can, and probably should, be asked on the forum.

Or another option might be to not allow non-members or newbies to view the classies until they have reached the required post count?

I can quite see the reasons for the rules being as they are, and I agree with them .... but human nature being what it is, I can imagine some people would (and do) find it hard to refuse a decent offer made to them by someone that seems perfectly genuine but just doesn't have the required posts. It's a little more cut and dried the other way around as people are naturally more wary of noob sellers with no history.

I hope you don't mind my sticking my oar in, just trying to be helpful really. ;)
I'm not really sure what I can add here. Rob works tirelessly on the classifieds to try and make sure everything runs smoothly. Seriously, the hours he puts in are impossible to measure. I try to help out a bit, but he is so on top of everything that I seem to have little to do.

From my point of view, I very rarely use the classifieds. I agreed to help @Rob as I appreciate all the work he puts in, and if I can do anything to lighten the load for him I will. Despite me not really using the classifieds much, I love seeing the vapemail thread for the bargains people manage to pick up. Items that people either may not be able to afford new, or a rare item no longer available from shops, or simply more gear as the prices are less then new. Peoples sales often lead to the seller turning into a buyer in the classies. It's great to see.

For Rob's workload to be increased from the huge amount he already does is, in my eyes, unacceptable. Rules are only there to safeguard all parties as well as can be. There are not many rules, they are easy to understand, and @Rob and myself are easily contactable if there are any queries.

If the classifieds ever go it will be a sad sad day for POTV.

I know for a fact Rob has gone through the full gamut of emotions over the last few months, he's been on the verge of walking away several times, but has thankfully stayed, much to his detriment on many occasions. He's stayed because he wants the POTV classies to remain the best around, through a tremendous amount of work nearly always going unnoticed.

The rules are few, but some seem incapable of playing by these rules, whether for greed or hoping to slip under the radar.

Rob, and now Toby, as Onion before him are continuing to do a fantastic job keeping us safe and secure, be a real crying shame for Rob to walk away now but I can't blame him one jot.
I do seriously think that we need to up the amount of posts we need for certain privileges....

The gorgeous @Crewella makes a good point....increase the amount of posts for pm's and, although I think this might be controversial, make the sales forum only visible to those that actually contribute to the forum....make the post count 100 or more....

I also think that post counts in the "welcome" section should not count towards your list count either....as you can always see newbies posting on there to get there post count up....

And if any of you bleeding hearts come on here and say "but I read more then I post" tough fucking shit....this is a community populated by people that have a passion for vaping and who do actually give a fuck....

If you want something cheap then become part of it, and you'll get "mates rates"....

If not, fuck off....

And to those that have sidestepped the rules, let's hope that you get your money and the deal goes though....if not, then fucking good job.....don't be a cunt
Rob, you do a fantastic job and it's appreciated by all, but you can only do as much as the setup of the forum will allow.

You shouldn't take it so personally if people operate outside the rules - they're entering into private transactions and the only involvement for the forum is the PM system. Presumably, these transactions involve an unqualified seller, so the item wouldn't even have appeared in the classifieds.

If someone were to complain about being shafted, your response should be "It's nothing to do with me".

I've (probably) broken the rules by paying F+F to people I trust, but I wouldn't have complained to you had it gone tits up.

Keep your chin up, and save your energy for those that deserve it.:yourock:
Shame it is'nt like it was 2 years ago but things change over time, aggree with @Crewella & @MrTeaTime... Re; post count and make the classies invisible to anyone with LESS than 100 posts.... If @Rob walks away because of the shit he has to put up with then i will never do another charity raffle again as he works like feck to help maintain this forum as do others.... How about a special members section just for those with say 1000 (or more) and above posts.... I love this forum and its the ONLY vape forum i use and it would really be sad for me to find another forum just because of a few arsholes who cannot go by the rules and just want to use they're OWN rules.
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