But if you donate anonymously you'll be excluded from giveaways/competitions in the future if the proposal goes through. In my oppinion the forum is either free to everyone and everyone is equal or it's subscription only and everyone is treated equal. I've been on forums where donators status was visible before and it wasn't too popular.
Someone on the team can verify if you donated And I think if a vendor were to ask us to, we'd be more than happy to do so
The forum is free to everyone and it's also a choice to use it or not. We wouldn't give any special treatment to a "donator" over someone who hasn't.
Regardless, we haven't initiated a rank image or user group to identify those who have and no vendor has based a comp off of who's donated and who hasn't. BUT if a vendor wanted to do that, why would we stop them? it is their choice on how they run a comp within reason, not ours
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