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Greater London Monthly Meet


Aug 26, 2013
I found myself at the bottom of the front page of the site just now, which I rarely visit, and noticed "Greater London Monthly Meet" for monday evening in the calendar for the next seven days. Is this actually attended, or is it just an artefact of a repeating event that is no longer happening? I don't know if I'd be able to get there, but if I did, would I find an actual meet going on, or what?
I found myself at the bottom of the front page of the site just now, which I rarely visit, and noticed "Greater London Monthly Meet" for monday evening in the calendar for the next seven days. Is this actually attended, or is it just an artefact of a repeating event that is no longer happening? I don't know if I'd be able to get there, but if I did, would I find an actual meet going on, or what?

I havent been told its been changed...It might be beneficial to contact BAzz http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/9065-Greater-London-Vapers-Group he can be found on the VapePit or UKV I think, hes not been on here since dec.
Okay. I've spoken to BAzz since he last logged in here (at another meet), and he hasn't mentioned the monthly meets in this calendar, so I'd guess they aren't actually happening, but I'll track him down and ask him.
Yep, I should have remembered to remove this event. Can you oblige?
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