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Happy with my lot - but.........


Mar 21, 2014
Okay, I said in my intro that I've finally got a set up and some juice I really like. A Vision Spinner 1300 with a Protank mini v2. Vapes great in my noob opinion.
However, I've been reading loads on this site about Mods so I've been checking out some reviews.
I really like the look of the Vamo V5 and the Innokin SVD.
My question is will either of these devices improve my vaping experience even more than my current set up?

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Either of these mods will give a better vape than the spinner by giving you better control and more consistency.
Nothing wrong with the spinner but by using the Variable wattage option on the SVD or Vamo it will automatically adjust the voltage to match your protank.
Do a quick search on wattage vs voltage for a more in depth explanation of the difference but, basically, with variable wattage you simply adjust to taste and the device sends the correct power to your tank.

Of the two I own the SVD and it has been a great device, given me no issues. Tried a Vamo and just wasn't as taken with it, not sure why really.
Myepack has great prices on both of these mods.
The iTaste MVP might also be worth a look as you won't need separate batteries and a charger.

Welcome to POTV.
Oh yes. Its actually the atty that will improve flavour the most. Get yourself a vw device and then get a full sized Atty and you'll be in a different world. Jump in fella. I can vouch for the vamo. I used one for quite a while and loved it apart from how big it is but that's the price you pay for the electronics.
Okay, I said in my intro that I've finally got a set up and some juice I really like. A Vision Spinner 1300 with a Protank mini v2. Vapes great in my noob opinion.
However, I've been reading loads on this site about Mods so I've been checking out some reviews.
I really like the look of the Vamo V5 and the Innokin SVD.
My question is will either of these devices improve my vaping experience even more than my current set up?

yes as they are VV and VW what that allows you to do is rather than playing with volts all the time you'll get a more consistent vape as you set the watts and the volts adjust accordingly to the atomizer so you always get the same power - also look at the mvp2 its a great workhorse
recently went from 1300mah spinner to svd i still use spinner and i lov it with a ts3 on top for convinience but love my svd's
Thanks everyone, I can feel more research coming on. I'm sure I read somewhere about a known issue with the SVD firing button - anyone had issues.

Also so what is meant by a full sized atty mentioned by Seedy?
A full sized atty is something like a kayfun' aspire neutillus' protank 3 .anyvape davide.hope this helps.
VV and VW will improve your vape if you pair it with a decent atty,but it can be your first step on the slippery slope of shinyitis and i speak as a sufferer.
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