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Happy with my lot - but.........

I think I'm in a similar position right now. I have some respectable gear but it feels like I could do better. What I have (an MVP and mini protank + evods) is perfect to just chuck in my pocket but I want to make the next step.

So far I have come to the conclusion that I want a smok mod and an igo l so I can start dripping and rebuilding. Seems to be the the cheapest way of doing it without buying garbage. But I may just get the baby octopus from vaper caper because that seems like a good way to learn the basics and it won't look out of place on my MVP.

From the research I've done and all the reviews I've read plus my personal experience, the itaste MVP is a great thing to have, even if you move on to something bigger and shinier. It's a very useful puchase because it's so, versatile, discrete and the battery lasts forever. My plan is to use that at work, on the bus, etc, and have something fancy for home. I thought about the vaamo and the Svd but I read some negative reviews and the MVP seems to be universally loved.

That's just my experience anyway.

Yep, after some more extensive research (which I love) I reckon the itaste MVP v2 is the one for me. It seems like the perfect introduction to the world of vv/vw with the battery life to last at least a full day or even two! And it's only £37 all in!! And maybe an Aerotank...
What I have noticed is that stopping smoking by vaping is currently not saving me cash. However I really enjoy vaping and I'm already feeling the health benefits. So cash well spent in my opinion.
Yeah i've dropped a tonne of cash but I don't care cos it's better than smoking that horrible shit. Kinda wish that I had gone straight for the MVP but everyone makes mistakes along the way, no matter how much research they do. Good luck buddy, you're on the right path.
Yeah i've dropped a tonne of cash but I don't care cos it's better than smoking that horrible shit. Kinda wish that I had gone straight for the MVP but everyone makes mistakes along the way, no matter how much research they do. Good luck buddy, you're on the right path.

Thanks mate. That's where I am, anything to stay off the smokes. Just ordered the MVP and going on previous experience of MyePack I reckon I could be vaping with it on Tuesday!!! It's like Christmas...
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