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Happy with my lot - but.........

A full sized atty is something like a kayfun' aspire neutillus' protank 3 .anyvape davide.hope this helps.

Ah I see, I thought it was referring to the resistance of the atty coil. But it's the the size of the unit as a whole. So a Protank Aero for example compared to my Protank mini. There's no change in the Vape though is there? I thought they used the same coil?

And as for shinyiyis, I'm a long term sufferer. For me there is no cure. Apart from not having a never ending supply of funds!!
My pro tank2 vapes better than my pro tank mini. My Nautilus tank vapes better than those two. It's a mater of what you prefer.
Thanks everyone, I can feel more research coming on. I'm sure I read somewhere about a known issue with the SVD firing button - anyone had issues.

Also so what is meant by a full sized atty mentioned by Seedy?

They all have some issues. Quite a few reports of issues with the Vamo too, chocolate threads etc.
Trouble with online research is you usually only see the negatives, no-one posts to say they`re not having a problem!

Agree the atomiser is the most important component, a good mod will give you consistent power but they`re all basically capable of that it`s down to the device you screw onto it.

If you like the mini Protank then the Aerotank/Protank 3 is a nice step up.
Having had both a Vamo (v2) and an SVD, I'd say go with the cheaper of the two. They both do a very similar job, although I remember PBusardo raving that the SVD was the more accurate in terms of claimed to actual output. Personally, for the same money, and if you can find one, I'd get a Tesla...

Edit: But this is really getting into the realms of personal choice, again the Tesla does nothing the Vamo and the SVD don't, I just preferred it to the others. Of your original two, if they are priced the same, I'd go SVD. It's just more tactile and feels nicer in the hand.
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I walked into the vape shop with the intentions of buying a Vamo V5, but they were out of stock. The clerk put a deal together for me on the SVD. $90 with charger 4 I clear tanks and two AW 18650 battery's. I couldn't pass up the deal.
I'm happy with the SVD. I also have a MVP2 that's awesome, Lasts 2 days on a charge.
I walked into the vape shop with the intentions of buying a Vamo V5, but they were out of stock. The clerk put a deal together for me on the SVD. $90 with charger 4 I clear tanks and two AW 18650 battery's. I couldn't pass up the deal.
I'm happy with the SVD. I also have a MVP2 that's awesome, Lasts 2 days on a charge.

That is amazing deal.
I would have gone for that myself, but my Vamo was in stock.
I love my Vamo using I-30s.

Good luck in choosing your set-up
I'm not a fan of the iclear 30 with the 8 wicks. Too hard of a draw. The Iclear S suites me better. I haven't tired a Iclear B.
I like the 30S over anything iv tried so far from the cheaper end of the market I'd like to buy more but iv not had a go at re-wicking this yet- it's looks impossible lol

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I think I'm in a similar position right now. I have some respectable gear but it feels like I could do better. What I have (an MVP and mini protank + evods) is perfect to just chuck in my pocket but I want to make the next step.

So far I have come to the conclusion that I want a smok mod and an igo l so I can start dripping and rebuilding. Seems to be the the cheapest way of doing it without buying garbage. But I may just get the baby octopus from vaper caper because that seems like a good way to learn the basics and it won't look out of place on my MVP.

From the research I've done and all the reviews I've read plus my personal experience, the itaste MVP is a great thing to have, even if you move on to something bigger and shinier. It's a very useful puchase because it's so, versatile, discrete and the battery lasts forever. My plan is to use that at work, on the bus, etc, and have something fancy for home. I thought about the vaamo and the Svd but I read some negative reviews and the MVP seems to be universally loved.

That's just my experience anyway.
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