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#Hashtagging, @ing, Tagging, and Similar threads



PoTV has a hashtag system and user alert function so that you can easily mark specific posts to alert people or make them easier to find.

You can place an @ symbol before any members user name like KulrMeStoopid or AndyC1971 and that person will get a notification and be able to come directly to that thread through the notification.

You can also #hashtag words that are important in a post like #Vamo #Lavatube or #CollyWobbles , by hashtagging you are highlighting useful words which helps the post/thread gain popularity and helps the search engine find relevant information.

Tagging is a very useful and helpful feature. We use auto tagging right now, but if you want to add your own, after you create your thread, just scroll to the bottom and click Add/Edit Tags and chuck a few in there.

Another thing we've added is Similar Threads. At the bottom of EVERY Thread of the forum is a "Similar Threads" box which highlights threads that may be about the current one you are looking it. This helps you find more information about whatever subject you are reading about.

As always Happy Vaping and Keeping on being amazing vaping apes!
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