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Have I finally come to my senses after 43 years

Welcome also from me.
And can I just add. That all that money spent over your 43 years of smoking (35 for me) went up in smoke. What your spending your fag money on now (like me), you can sit and admire, while enjoying it.
20 fags a day = £7 x 7 days = £49.
One vamo v5 per week = £36. That leaves £13 per week for e-juice, and you still break even.
HaHa very true!
Welcome, and congratulations on two weeks off the stinkies!

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Hi all. Well here we go, my first time on here and it feels like being at Alcoholics Anonymous! Ha ha. I'm ashamed to say that I've been a smoker for 43 years but I'm determined to give it up this time. Been stopped for 2 weeks with the help of E cigs. I've tried the patches and everything but this definately seems to be the route to take. I might add, I havent saved any money yet. Its cost me a packet buying all the gear. SVDs, Kayfuns, Krakens x2, sigelei, battery chargers, more batteries than I know what to do with and that much juice its starting to come out of my ears. But hey, its working! My edest daughter came in the other day and said what a lovely smell in here. Enough said I suppose. Anyways, thats enough of my ramblings. Hello all. Take heed from a Scottish laddie, smoking is a mugs game.


welcome in bud good on you for trying to ditch the fags vaping is indeed the way to go
Hi Video, and Welcome to the Planet! Wow!.. 43 years and you still managed to drop the smokes! Kudos to you! You sure know how to jump right in, don't ya! As far as I'm concerned, even if you never save money, the improvement in your health is money well spent! Think of it as investing in yourself...
Thanks for sharing your story!
vApe On!
Hello and welcome to the Planet video61, the urge to but shiny new things will slow eventually when you find the right set-up for you, but have fun while you try it all out!

I smoked for 33 years and never thought I'd give up, vaping really took me by surprise because it worked! You should start to feel the health benefits soon, especially walking up hills!

Well done and keep on vaping!
Well done, 27 year smoker myself and I'm delighted to have found something that finally works in getting people off the cigs.
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