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Hazy/Cloudy/Milky DIY juice


New Member
Jan 6, 2025
Hi after a mix my liquid isnt transparent, after a bath got 1 of 2 to go as it should but after a shake while steeping it's not again.
What im doing wrong ?
shaking it creates tiny bubbles and makes it look cloudy. try stirring it instead.
My liquid is cloudy when first mixed, it disappears after a few days but seems to have no effect on the flavour so I don't worry about it
I have had some that has gone cloudy (not bubbles) before, After leaving it a few days it goes clear.
idk if its coz of nic shot... but i will see after a week, maybe will leave it for 2
its one shot concatrate from vampire vape, you have any suggestions for other method ?
If it's got orange or citrus flavours in it then those can cloud up a mix. I've got a couple of orange concentrates that do this all the time. Sometimes they stay cloudy, others they clear.
It will fad quite quickly along most vampire vape ones are good to just shake and vape. Don't worry about a cloudy juice.
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