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HCigar Copper Nemesis My First Mech Mod! / Copper cleaning?


Feb 20, 2014
I only started vaping 64 days ago, and since i started i have used a ego battery, then a Vamo V5 and more recently i found myself wanting to buy my first mechanical mod.

I kind of had my heart set on the caravela clone as it looks awesome.... That was until i spotted an unbranded Hcigar nemesis in copper on thevapetank webiste. The second I spotted it I just had to have one!

Anyhow less than 24 hours after ordering it was at my door!

This thing is so nice! The threads are lovely, it vapes really bloody nice and the over all finish is spot on.

Maybe the only gripes i have with it is the button. The action of the button press is not as smooth as it could be, but that will be an easy fix with a little bit of wet and dry sand paper. Oh and i am not so keen on the edge of the button as i would prefer a rounded edge, but that is ust the way all nemesis mods are and is just me being picky probably because i am not used to using a bottom fire button. But again that's something i will fix wit a little wet and dry. :)

Overall it is a lovely mod, i can not wait for the copper to start ageing a bit, then it really will look the dogs bollox, everyone should have one! :D

Anyhoo, if i have not bored anyone to sleep yet, I have a question...

What would be the best stuff for cleaning the threads to stop the voltage drop? Cheers :)
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As it's copper I wouldn't expect any drop tbh, and if there is any it'd be so small it wouldn't matter. I have seen posts of people using toothpaste on the threads though.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
The brass nemi clone has a more rounded button.

You can alse buy magnets for the switch which will make it smoother ;) vape geek sells them. You swap the spring for magnets :)
There are a couple of tutorials on YouTube for fettling crunchy nem switches
Pop it into a bath of 2molar HNO3 - that'll sort out the corrosion coating.
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