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Hcigar hammer question


Dec 26, 2013
I know a few people on this forum have a chammer by hcigar so hopefully someone will be able to answer this.

Which way does the lock ring turn? is it reverse threaded or just thread the normal way (anti clockwise).

Thank you.
i find i have to grip where it screws down to to unlock mine as then this piece screws into another ring which also comes loose otherwise :)
I'd have preferred the lock ring the same size as the fire button but, hey, that's nit picking.


Mine is jammed solid. I love this mod, really love it but the locking ring is quite important because it has such a soft button.
well its def lefty loosey to lock it...have you tried removing it from the mod?...mines never bound too bad that i couldnt undo it :)
Yeah, I got it from vape geek and it came like that. I am just grateful it came in the unlock position so I can still use it because I think it is brilliant. I have tried rubber gloves to get a better grip and I have taken out the main body and removed the inner piece. It is strange because all the other bits unscrew quite easily. I have even hand tightened the inner ring on the switch as tight as I can for and that still can be unscrewed so I think it stuck even beyond hand tightened - unfortunately for me..
Mine is jammed solid. I love this mod, really love it but the locking ring is quite important because it has such a soft button.

Found mine to be hard to undo, but if you put the button/pin assembly onto the 18650 extention you seem to be able to get a much better grip on the locking ring and free it.
Marigold gloves ;)



EDIT: See you have tried that already. Hmmm *scratches chin*
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