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hcigar mods and other clones

The tobeco one has black o rings so im guessing this is hcigar

There's also a Rainbow Heaven, Ehpro,Vapetech,Infinite,Yilyoong,etc version.
I don't know how many of these are actually just repackaged from the same factory, I guess the Chinese manufacturers reckon this will be the next Kayfun.
There's also a Rainbow Heaven, Ehpro,Vapetech,Infinite,Yilyoong,etc version.
I don't know how many of these are actually just repackaged from the same factory, I guess the Chinese manufacturers reckon this will be the next Kayfun.

Yeah just had a look at modsandatties site and the list the tobeco aqua with red o rings, hybrid pin and 2nd drip tip!!
kf nano kit



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