This is the matte (sandblasted) Kayfun 3.1 from Fasttech that just arrived today. Firstly, I acknowledge my humble opinions are unrivalled to the more experienced vapers here. Also, apologies for the poor photo as I’m only back from work and for the mis-match with the JM. Despite this, I am very happy with this atty albeit with two slight drawbacks. Firstly, the screws are not great. They are meant to be SS but I’m not quite sure due to one screw being very tight upon arrival and the subsequent fraying upon attempting to loosen it. Needless to say, I have ordered a spares kit from C9 to rectify. Secondly, the oring on the top chamber is too small and this causes leaking through the airhole on the side of the atty. Having replaced this, she’s firing like a champ! The build quality is excellent; the only other Kayfun clone I’ve had in comparison is the Tobeco KFL/Russian and it is better by a long shot both in build quality and actual performance. In addition, the adjustable airflow actually works. For £20 all in, it’s a bargain in my opinion.
**This is my second attempt at posting this so if it turns up on another thread, I apologize in advance lol