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Hcigar VT inbox battery query

Miss Pepper

Nov 23, 2013
As you know I have got my grubby little mits on the VT yesterday and it has only left them when eating or sleeping.

For those of you running one my questions are:

1. What battery are you using
2. What wattage you running at
3. What ohm you using
4. How long you getting out your battery (say if you chain vape or rotate with other mods)
5. What wire do you use

Thank you!

* edit to ask about wire, cheers @Tubbyengineer
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Well since it's a DNA75 then I've got lot's of experience - I run a 25r in my Therion BF, and I've got it running a Delirium at 35w using dual SS316 coming in at 0.21 and most of a day using it on it's own...
25r in my VT75, around .4ohm (either single or duel) at 45w (temp 440) last around a day for me (except when sat at pc).
If you're going to try TC with it I'd suggest starting with the NiFe30, easy as pie to use and very reliable...
I found the 30q really good in my dna 75. Ive got a Vt Inbox on the way as well as a therion bf so will compare.
1. What battery are you using
2. What wattage you running at
3. What ohm you using
4. How long you getting out your battery (say if you chain vape or rotate with other mods)
5. What wire do you use

1. HG2 3000mah
2. 74 watts
3. 0.13 in a Goon
4. Not long enough.. 2-3 hours But i carry spares so not a worry.
5. Alien Smuton wire
1. 25R
2. 50w
3. 0.3ohms dual Ni80 24awg
4. All day but in rotation with one other mod
5. Ni80/SS316 in Wattage mode.

Im sure @EmbraSewerRat has a bit of Ni80 floating about im getting nice flavour out of the maze v2.
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