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VT Inbox Eating Batteries


Jun 17, 2013
I have 3 x VT Inboxes, one of them which I recently purchased on here seems to be eating my batteries, to the point where I can put a fresh battery in, leave it for a few hours, go to use it and the battery is completely dead, wont even turn the inbox on. Anyone had this before? If so did you solve it? Any ideas what it is and how I can sort it?


most likely corrosion on the board that formed a partial short. I could look at it but I have 3 mods in service and need to finish these first. Pop me a private message mid-next week and will see if I emptied the workbench.
most likely corrosion on the board that formed a partial short. I could look at it but I have 3 mods in service and need to finish these first. Pop me a private message mid-next week and will see if I emptied the workbench.
Will do, thanks.

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