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Hello from a tobacconist.

Welcome to the vaping world Chris. I'd be willing to bet you're using a cigalike. If so, fear not. There are better devices and flavours out there that will satify you. Stick with it, spend a little money on gear and I'd be willing to bet you'll be selling it soon alongside the old smellies. Best of luck.
Hello and welcome from me. I too can be classed as a tobacconist, "the amount of cigs I smoke" . my set up should be here in the morning and I am about to embark on a journey of vaping. Good luck on your venture. ;)
The poacher turned gamekeeper or should that be the other way about? Good luck on your journey and a few pounds will be spent but it's a hobby now instead of a habit.
Welcome to the planet also.

I'm now sitting here wondering what I would buy, if I went into a tobacconist's that sold decent kit.
And it don't bear thinking about, if there's someone vaping in there as well. (just a thought)
:welcome1: and congrats on making such a great change for the sake of yourself and your family!
I'm with everyone else - start stocking vaping gear and slowly fade out the tobacco stocks! (As long as you're not too close to me and my customers ;) haha)
Hey there and welcome to the planet!

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