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Hello from essex

Thanks for having me!!!
Where do I start been smoking 18 years! Tried to give up numerous times no joy,
Anyhow seen a few people with these pen things and I was curious
so on the 04/02/14
I brought what I now now is a ego starter kit from a guy on a social site who sells them local to me so popped over brought it for £20
got a little wallet USB charger wall charger 2 egos with ce5 clearos and grabbed a few bottles of hangseng juice £4 each and off I went.
Had no interest in giving up smoking at the time but haven't had a cigerette since!!!!
A week into vaping the ce5 wasn't quite enough for me I wanted more vapour so brought a few evod heads soon binned them,then brought some aspire ce5 bdc heads great!! Then saw the ego twist battery evan better!!
Now by this time a few weeks in I became very ill
my friend came round who by this time was also vaping!! He told me I had a severe case shinytitus!!! .??
As I was sat at the table polishing my new Vamo v5 lol

Now the ce5 won't work on it due to the airflo so had to get a tank,
ordered the kangertech aero tank, the aspire bdc vivi nova, and aspire nautilus now that brings me upto last week received my kit and mixed and made my first juice happy days now that brings me to today got home from work post man has been just unwrapped my
kayfun lite happy days!!
Just got my account activated and sat down wrighting this and well and truly hooked on vaping!
Sorry for the long hello but I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been through the same look forward to helping If I can and learning loads cheers for reading.

welcome to the planet buddy

could i ask that you sign and support the EFVI initiative to help stop the proposed eu ban on ecigs - www.efvi.eu
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