Adam, to the Planet, and congrats on quitting the stinkies!
Well done on making it to 2 days, keep it up and soon it the weeks that'll pass by. I found the first couple of weeks a bit bewildering at first, geting to grips to the new tech and jargon, not to mention the equally bewildering array of juice flavours on offer...but like me, you'll find your groove in time. I found it very easy to quit for good once on the vape, but did duel fuel for a couple of weeks, then stopped for good on the 1st of March this year and haven't looked back since. I'm now 2 days away from reaching the 9 month milemark...and i couldn't be happier...not just with improving my breathing and health..but my wallet is very much happier too!
So keep at it'll soon reep the benefits....just as soon as the initial shinyitis has worn off that is!