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Hello from not so sunny Bournemouth!!

Welcome onboard Dan.I have fond memories of Bournemouth,well Spearmint Rhino`s anyhow :D It was not my idea guv honestly,they forced me into it.Enjoy your stay here, the only diference between here and ukv? Only you will know the answer to that one when it hits ya ;)

Haha cheers bud, what's spearmint rhino? ;)
To be honest they are pretty rubbish round here, not gonna name names but its just usual bog standard ego kits and overpriced vamo/innokin kit and rebranded hangsen juice (the one in the sovereign centre is a joke-tried to sell me a chi you clone claiming it was genuine for £30- I laughed at him), but vapourway in Christchurch is awesome, proper vape shop with the latest mods, atties, wire, wick, spares, Triphammer liquid, anything you need really and its staffed by cloud chasers too! I often just pop in there for a vape and a chat, its one of the best B&M's I've ever been to anywhere.

I mainly use triphammer liquid myself (I can walk to the end of my road and buy it!) as it suits the power (50+watts) that I usually vape at.

thanks, ill have to take a trip down there and check them out. is that in the high street?
thanks, ill have to take a trip down there and check them out. is that in the high street?

No mate at the bottom of Purewell, just before the roundabout, next to Fanellis pizza if you know where that is?

If you buy an attie they insist on doing the first build for you! I learned to build there months back and from then learned different crazy coil builds from them! Really friendly bunch
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