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Hi Jem, Yeh change is not easy. I have binned a good few juices when I started and some since when suppliers change their sources. If you find a flavour or flavours you like , stick by it for the first six months. Nicotine is extremely addictive so its all a game about getting your brain to accept another source rather than a fag. Stick to what you initially like and only experiment after you have walked behind someone smoking a cig and think YUK. No e juice tastes the same as a ciggy, the names are purely marketing.

My wife and I both use Dekang..I cant stand hers..she wants to vomit with mine. My son, who has now started vapin reckons mine tastes like burning tyres, he vapes a Hangsten Grape that seems bizarre to me.

Its all about what you like...persevere with the pipe of peace, health ...theirs no argument. Mind you, I still miss the pipe of peace I smoked 40 years by and on !!
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Hi JEM and welcome to the planet. Juice is a funny one like others have said. You will go off juices quickly in the early days (from past experience) but keep hold of them as your taste buds will change so juices that you might not like just now may taste different in time when your buds settle down!
Cheers for the info, I fully intend on puffing my way through a lot of them. Must try out ry4 and desert ship that I keep hearing about...
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